Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Today's Thoughts on the American Dream

Can it ever be achieved?  I know some people seem to be lucky enough to reach that state of nirvana.  But weren't we always told that few actually make it?  The rest of us are forced to reincarnate the same ideas in attempt to live the dream, and hopefully finding the answer to life.  Or Maybe it's the question we're supposed to find, and the answer is to live.  Experience.  Breathe in the world around you and hold it in.  In anything, you'll get a little high.  And to some that's what it's all about: finding those little blissful, euphoric moments that spark throughout our lifetimes.  It seems cruel that for some, these sparks come easier and more frequent, resembling more of a giant bonfire or a neighborhood perhaps, engulfed in flames.  The rest of us are lucky if our rusted Zippo has any fluid left. 

So then we strive, in hopes to thrive.  The harder we work, the more we reap, remember?  The Hardwork leads to Success, leading to happiness and achieving the goal.  The Dream.  The Answer.  Super easy, right?  The difficult part comes when beginning the journey to achieve nirvana, happiness.  My generation has been raised on video games, cheese puffs, and the idea that watching Kevin Smith movies in your parents' basement past a certain age is still acceptable.

However, it takes more than just hard work, but you must live and experience.  After all, if you spend your whole life working, and not enjoying the process and the journey, what's the point?  It doesn't help that American civilization has bred a race of A.D.D. addled children who are the future.  The need for constant stimulation and fresh interaction drives me to search for new places, challenges, and environments.  If that stimulation isn't met boredom ensues.  Depression and laziness are quick to follow, and some how I'll find myself stuck in a hole, which is the couch in front of the TV.

I'm ready to start the journey into the unknown and discover what American has to offer.  I want to experience what many have, as well as experiences what others have never dreamed to find.  Denying that America, specifically the United States has serious problems would be wrong.  Though I believe that the country still offers opportunity to those actively searching for it.  Just not everyone reaches their goal after the opportunity is given to them.  It's incredibly rare for anything to be easy, but I'll sure appreciate it, if it ever is.

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