Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My personal opinion on an specific issue...

Block Seating:  It seems to be a heated topic these days at the University of Alabama.  Many students will tell you how unfair and unpractical it is to allow organizations to have their own reserved section of the stadium, when many other students unaffiliated with a student organization have to fight for a good seat, or wait until the second have to fill in the massive gaps that may go unfilled in the reserved, blocked off seats.  Well, I'm here to argue other wise.

First of all, if you are a member of a fraternity or sorority, you have spent a lot of money to obtain all those friends!  How are you going to get your money's worth and be able to sit with all of them if you have to take the time and effort to show up to the gates early with all you friends to find enough seats for everyone?  With block seating, members of said organizations are able to enjoy their pregame rituals, until it is absolutely necessary to head to the game.  That leaves enough time to finish at least a few more brews than would have been possible other wise.  Obviously this is not entirely fair, to the student body as a whole, which is why the mandatory arrival time of 30 minutes prior to kick off has been extended to 45 minutes. 

Block seating also serves as a great incentive for dull, boring students to make an effort to participate and join a student organization.  It serves as a reward for those who work hard to make food drives, and bake sales a success.  The University also wants to encourage all student organizations to apply for block seating.  Singling out organizations will only increase the desire to join such organizations and encourage unity across campus.  Just look at the Million Dollar Band!  They always have seats reserved, and they're the most unison organization out of the whole university.

Other issues in the past are being approached and dealt with to better the system of block seating.  For example, organizations with regular poor attendance will lose their block seating.  Also, to discourage students leaving early, the amount of students leaving before the 3rd quarter will be monitored and the proper action will be taken for the concerning organization.  So before you completely write off the idea of block seating, think about what pro's there may be, instead of dwelling on the many con's that may arise.

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