Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dreams, what are you trying to TELL ME?!

"The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind."  --Sigmund Freud

Dreams are probably the most confusing, bizarre, and intriguing phenomenon in the human psyche. It is no wonder why Freud was so obsessed with dreams and the subconscious, but can you imagine how hard it is to examine and study that? Sometimes I have thrilling, exciting adventures in my dreams, and other times they're upsetting or just down right weird. What's even more frustrating than trying to interpret and decipher meanings from dreams, is simply trying to recall bits and pieces of the story, or the people, or the places. 5 seconds after waking up, I barely remember I had a dream, as chunks of it melt away the longer I'm conscious.

The last dream I remember fell into this formula: It was seemingly realistic, yet bizarre, and I had trouble recalling certain parts to fill in the holes in my memory. I remember being at the beach with friends, and having an enjoyable time. Everyone was partying and living it up. Suddenly, my mood took a turn for the worst, and I couldn't make myself have fun and let loose. As I walked down the beach alone, I came upon an old friend.

It was my cat Betty, who died about a year ago. I was very attached to this cat, as she was given to me by my best friend growing up. However, as I approached my cat, I noticed she was different. Berry's eyes were glowing with the intensity of white flame, and a dark shadow seemed to encompass her. Frightened, I bent down to pet her. Demon Zombie Cat, or not, it was still my long lost Cat, that I missed. As I touched the top of her head, the beach around me turned to lava and flame. A seductive Satan appeared and spoke in a lustful tone. She wanted to offer me a deal: Betty's life, for my soul. I pondered this contract, and refused. The seductress mutated into her hideous true form, screeching and grumbling. I felt the heat surround me and engulf me in flames. Then it was gone, replaced by the beach, the party, and the noise of recklessness and morning humiliation. I never turned back and returned to the party that began the journey, experiencing what I did.

I think this dream was trying to tell me that it is okay to move on. College is a great time for partying, enjoying yourself, and even making a few mistakes. However, all good times must come to an end. We can't all be a Toys 'R' Us Kid forever, and live without responsibilities and consequences. I believe I was trying to use this dream to tell myself that it is time to grow up and move on, always looking onward. It is time to be proactive and tackle the future head on!

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