Tuesday, October 11, 2011


What is the level of temptation a persona can endure before that lustful desire to give in, regardless of probable consequences, takes over and pushes one to bury himself in selfish wants?  The urge to steal, cheat, kill.  Does everyone have the same ability to say no to these urges?  Or are there people out there that have no chance against the demonic tempters and the metaphorical prostitutes of life?  The best things in life will become your end, one way or another.  For instance, if your greatest passion in life was getting high and doing drugs, it'll end up eating you away.  It may have been the addiction that killed you, the dealer on the street who you owed money to, or getting stabbed in the prison cafeteria.  Whichever it is, it was still that selfish passion to indulge.

However, whether it was stress, processed food, or cigarettes that gave you cancer is not important.  It's a matter of whether or not your habits and lust for anything bad for you was worth it.  Was it enough to fulfill the emptiness that life often brings, and was it worth the consequences?  Isn't it a shame that instead of facts and definite proven results, life is full of warning labels and caution signs?  What used to be healthy for you is now bad for you, but in two weeks it'll be on the healthy list again.  Instead of certainty, we have to deal with that feeling of impulsion to jump, or give in.  To just say "yes," instead of "maybe, let me think about it."  However, it hsa to be a force so persistent and compelling that the urge to give into wants, lusts, and desires over bears common sense and clouds all judgement.  Sometimes it's just too difficult to think before jumping.

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